
Abi Switzer 

Zackie Salmon, & Baptist Minister  

Abi, a member of both the props and wardrobe management teams, is excited to be a part of the production for The Laramie Project. While they enjoy making miniatures and creating the smallest pieces of art they can, they are ready to make something that can be seen from the back of the audience. While working on the show Abi will be struggling through calculus and vectors for no good reason other than, “I want to get my math done.” In the show you’ll be seeing them as both Zackie Salmon, and The Baptist Minister.

Ava Martin

Barbara Pitts, & Bailiff

Ava is excited to show all the work that she and her fellow drama classmates have given to this important play. As producer, stage manager, and assistant director of The Laramie Project, Ava is loving the opportunity to be a part of this show. She enjoys being on stage, but more so, learning about how to run a production. Ava first had the opportunity to direct for Children’s Theatre, then director scenes, and is excited to add the Laramie Project to the plays she has the chance to work on. This play is especially important as it leads the audience to reflect while conveying messages of healing within a community.

Brielle Benisty

Dr Cantway, Philip Dubois, & Judy Shepard

For the first time in her high school career, Brielle Benisty is taking the stage! With experience working on plays/musicals with Orpheus, Kanata Theatre, and the Gladstone Theatre, Brielle is ready to take Canterbury's 2024 production of "The Laramie Project" head on! It has given her the blessed opportunity to play the roles of Phil Dubois and the infamous Dr. Cantway; both different and complex characters that will the leave the audience pondering questions of morality, humanity, and more. Not only is she acting on stage, but behind the scenes, Brielle also took part of the fundraising team, as well as the website design. 

Calum Cain 

Aaron McKinney, Doug Laws, & Harry Woods 

After his run of playing the villainous Dentist in Canterbury’s 2023 production of “Little Shop of Horrors” Calum Cain is ready to get back on the CHS stage in the Grad Show production of “The Laramie Project”. Calum will be playing the roles of Aaron McKinney, Doug Laws, and Harry Woods. He is also responsible for creating the lighting design for The Laramie Project as well as the promotional trailers.

Dahlia Beauchamp

Anonymous, & Shannon

Dahlia Beauchamp is a passionate performer and is thrilled to be apart of the press and sound design teams. She has always loved acting since she was little and is very excited to be in the production of The Laramie Project. The past four years, Dahlia has enjoyed the process and experience of being in the drama program at Canterbury High School, and has learnt so much about performing and all that comes with being in the field of dramatic arts; from character development to directing, to set design and so much more. Dahlia is honored to portray the voices of Anonymous and Shannon in this story and truly hopes that you will all enjoy this performance and appreciate the love and care that everyone involved have put into this as much as she does.

Danica Coote 

Amanda Gronich, & Trish Stager

After doing community theater productions throughout high school with Kanata Theater, Suzart, and The Lakeside Players, Danica Coote is so excited to be performing in a show on the Canterbury stage. On stage, Danica is playing Amanda Gronich and Trish Stager. Behind the scenes she is also part of the social media marketing and wardrobe team. She has loved the past 4 years at Canterbury and she is thrilled to be ending high school with this amazing cast and production.

Elias Luz 

Matt Galloway, & Governor Jim Geringer 

Elias (Eli to his close personal friends) Luz is a very passionate member of the drama program here at Canterbury. He is super excited to be playing Matt Galloway and Governor Geringer (the guy in the cowboy hat) in The Laramie Project. He is normally a pretty funny guy, but has decided to relinquish all humour from this bio since this is a serious and professional play, can you tell? To be serious, he is very excited to be doing a play like this, since as much as he loves being funny, he is very passionate about getting to perform in a play as important and interesting as this one. He also really likes Spiderman. 

Ethan Oriwol 

Father Roger Schmit, Gil Engne, & Dennis Shepard 

Ethan Oriwol has been attending Canterbury for four years now but he’s been doing theatre for a lot longer. He’s currently a T/A at the Ottawa School of Theatre and wants to pursue teaching in his post-secondary education. He’s acting as the Co-Head of Set Design and Construction and can’t wait to show everyone the hard work we’ve all put in. 

Ethan Whidden 

Jedediah Schultz, & Andrew Gomez 

Ethan Whidden is a motivated sound design and composition team member. He’s also going to be on stage as Jedidiah Schultz and Andrew Gomez. Ethan’s excited to show his work to such a large audience. He's so excited to share his work with the audience!

Felix Hughes

Stephen Belber, & Newsperson #2

Felix Hughes is so excited to have an opportunity to be a part of the Laramie Project! A long-standing nerd, they’re excited to get to delve into such a rich show. Above all, they care about storytelling, and wow, is this story important to tell. Thank you to the Drama Program and Mr. Minter for facilitating this opportunity. Happy trails to the rest of the grade 12 drama class!

Grace Hill

Marge Murray, & Kerry Drake

Grace Hill is beyond grateful to be taking part in this years grad show! Behind the scenes, Grace is a stage manager and co-director. Grace is so unbelievably happy to be working on a project with such an integral message, surrounded by people who are equally as passionate and motivated to do this play, and it’s messages, justice. Grace is a proud member of the drama program, and is so Indescribably happy for all four years here. The connections and community made in the program will last far beyond high school, as well as the invaluable lessons learned that will carry her through her entire life!

 Hannah Britton

Catherine Connolly

Hannah Britton is on the set construction team and wardrobe management team. She is excited to start building sets and to watch the story come to life. Outside of drama, Hannah plays many sports and enjoys doing them in her free time. 

Hayden King

Phil Labrie, Sergeant Hing, & Russel Henderson

Hayden King, born and raised in Ottawa, he attends the Canterbury High School Drama Program, and has taken part in a few small roles in The Laramie Project (Sergeant Hing, Russell Henderson, and Phil Labrie). Along side his roles, he also takes part in designing set pieces. 

Jeremy Owen

Andy Paris, Jeffrey Lockwood, & Bill McKinney

Jeremy Owen has proudly represented the Canterbury Drama Program for four years. Playing the characters of Andy Paris, Jeffrey L, and Bill M. Apart from being cast In the Canterbury production “The Laramie Project” he also enjoys hockey, video games, golfing and boating. Jeremy is extremely passionate and excited to be a part of Canterbury's interpretation of the Laramie Project. He has assumed the positions of t-shirt design manager and website designer, behind the scenes.

Kris Deneau

Rebecca Hilliker

Kris Deneau is ecstatic about getting to produce, direct, and perform in The Laramie Project! Canterbury's Drama Program has been a dream come true for her, and she's so proud to be a vital part in this special production. She has an everlasting love for theatre between helping stage manage at elementary schools' musicals. Being a member of Canterbury's greatest sports crew, the improv team, Kris just can't get enough of performance and production. Kris has always been particularly passionate about plays, books and playwrights that tackle important societal issues and distinctly uncomfortable themes, so Laramie is right up her alley! 

Lauryn Russell

Leigh Fondakowski, & Jen

Lauryn Russell is thrilled to be taking the Canterbury stage for the first time as Leigh Fondakowski and Jen. When Lauryn isn’t rehearsing, she is working hard on fundraising and working in hair and makeup for the show. She loves the Drama Program and The Laramie Project is another thrilling event that she is excited to be apart of. She can’t wait for everyone to see it and hopes you enjoy and appreciate our hard work. 

Leo Robichaud

Moisés Kaufman, & Murdock Cooper

Leo Robichaud is super excited to leave the drama program after four years with a BANG thanks to The Laramie Project! As one of the stage managers, he's happy to find an outlet for his love of google sheets and sending emails. This will be the first full length play he is acting in and he's so excited to help- and so excited for you to see it!

Matt McManus-Euler

Doctor O'Connor, & Reverend Fred Phelps

Matt is super excited to be taking part of the gradshow, and getting to be an assistant director as well! Historical events and documentaries have always been a huge interest for him, and as someone who's going into theatre production, this is right up his ally. On his free time, he's staring into space thinking about the dramatic irony about the Revered Fred Phelps being played by a trans man.

Miranda Lewis

Romaine Patterson, Conrad Miller, & Cal Rerucha

Asco Co-head and Spirit Comittee head, Miranda Lewis, is thrilled to be part of The Laramie Project with her Drama family. Spending most months working behind the scenes on Blockbusters and school spirit events, she is more than ready to take the stage for the first time since Director Scenes. The past four years at Canterbury have brought her immense joy, and she can't wait to share yet another passion project with the CHS commuity and beyond.

Miranda is honoured to share Romaine's part in this story, as it's insanely powerful and shows a different approach to healing. Also her Instagram profile seems fun! 

She hopes that you all learn to love this play just as much as she does.  

Morgan Byl

Mormon Teacher, & Kristin Price

Morgan Byl is so thrilled to be taking part in this impactful show that has influenced the entire drama program. The characters she plays, Kristin price and Mormon home teacher are dynamic fun characters for her to explore and get to know. From joining the drama program in grade 10 to now being a part of the grad-show in grade 12, Morgan has grown immensely and can’t wait for the audience to witness the this growth as well as all her hard work in the production of the sets and props. 

Murphy Guy Lenser

Allison Mears, & Rulon Stacey

Murphy Guy Lenser is honored to be a part of this production and to co-lead the set design and construction teams. He has always enjoyed the process of creating and is overjoyed to be a part of the drama program community, filled with amazing people for the past four years. Murphy hopes that all who watch this play take away its message of hope and that they find all the love the cast and crew have poured into it.

Natasha Knight

Aaron Kreifels, & Matt Mickelson

Natasha Knight is thrilled to be a part of The Laramie Project! She has loved being in the Canterbury drama program these past four years, and is feeling bittersweet about it all coming to an end. Highlights of her school career have been being on the improv team, acting in director scenes, and Shakespeare. She’s super passionate about acting and happy to have helped with fundraising and set construction. Natasha is honored to help tell the incredibly important story of Matthew Shepard and the people of Laramie.

Olivia Castronovo 

Sherry Aavenson, Newsperson, & Sherry J

Olivia Castronovo is so happy to be a part of sharing such a special message on stage with her friends. Behind the scenes, she is the head of the social media and press team and is so honored to be involved in spreading the word about our show. She is very honored to be working so closely with her program for their last big show at Canterbury before graduating. Olivia is very passionate about drama and is so grateful for all the opportunities presented to her during her four years at Canterbury. She is a proud member of the program and is so grateful for the friends she met along the way. 

Ora Kalisa

Rob Debree, & Newsperson #3

Ora Kalisa plays the role of Rob Debree. The head of the sheriff department and the chief investigator of the Mathew Shepard investigation. She joined the Canterbury drama program in grade 11. She immediately felt welcome by her peers. She left everyday learning something new about her passion for the dramatic arts. Though it’s been only two years since she’s been a part of the drama program, she is more than thrilled to end the year with a project that is larger than life. Ora believes artistic projects should be done with an emotional element. Something to make the audience reflect on their journey. What she loved the most about any art form was the impact and change it could bring to situations we see everyday life. From her direction scene to her creation unit, you can tell, she gets inspired by world she sees outside. 

Rebecca Malloy

Lucy Thompson, Jon Peacock, & Reporter

Asco Co-head, Rebecca Malloy, is thrilled to be taking the stage for the first time in a while as Lucy Thompson, Jon Peacock, and the reporter. When Rebecca wasn’t busy with rehearsals, she has been working hard behind the scenes raising money for the production as well as organising all of the volunteers for our amazing event. Rebecca has enjoyed every moment she has spent at Canterbury and the creation of the grad show has been no exception. Rebecca can not wait for you to see our production of “The Laramie Project” and hopes you enjoy watching it as much as she enjoyed being a part of it. 

Shriya Jayaram

Zubaida Ula, & Eileen Engne

Shriya is super excited to be a part of the Laramie project at Canterbury High School playing Zubaida Ula, a Muslim feminist. Though she personally does not identify Muslim, she hopes to be able to accurately represent the community and do her best. Shriya is channelling her love of fashion and music by designing costumes as well as composing original sounds for the production. She loves the drama program and is thrilled to be a part of the 2024 gradshow. 

Sophia Potoczny

Email Writer, Priest, Stephen Mead Johnson, & Newsperson #4

Sophia Potoczny is absolutely thrilled to be in Canterbury's 2024 grad show. She loves hands on work, which is why she’s super excited to be on the set construction team, as well as the hair and makeup team! She loved her time at Canterbury and is delighted to be doing this play. She knows you will enjoy it as much as she does!

Surabhi Rao

Waitress, Newsperson #1, & Foreperson

Surabhi Rao is a very enthusiastic member of the Canterbury drama program. She is so excited to be taking the stage as for this piece as the Waitress, Newsperson and Foreperson. She is so passionate about the world of theatre and has been so grateful to be apart of this program for the past four years. Surabhi hopes that the audience will love and appreciate this project as mush as she does, as well as motivate young girls to find a passion in the arts.

Tara Emadi

Judge, & April Silva

Tara Emadi, a performer with a diverse background in theater arts, is thrilled to step into the complex world of "The Laramie Project." Tara has directed a scene, and helped with producing Children’s Theatre, she is trying something new this time by being a part of the sets team, and front of house team for this show. Tara will be taking on the role of the Judge and April Silva. Through years of acting lessons, and now working at Ottawa Children’s Theatre, she is grateful for the opportunity to share in this transformative journey and looks forward to convey a powerful message consisting of prejudice, identity, and the healing within a community, through the power of theater.

Tessa Sawler

Minister's Wife, & Tiffany Edwards

Tessa Sawler is very excited to be in Canterbury Drama Program’s The Laramie Project. She is very excited to bring Tiffany Edward’s and The Ministers Wife to life on stage. Tessa is beyond thrilled to bring her passions of costumes, hair, and makeup to "The Laramie Project". She might not seem like it but she is in fact an undercover theatre kid. She is ready for "The Laramie Project" to nourish her little theatre heart and the people around her. 

Vivi Conte

Jonas Slonaker, & Shadow

Vivi Conte is thrilled to be a part of the grad show's costume, prop and videography team! Vivi is looking forward to be playing a character named Shadow for the second time. You might know them best for being on the Canterbury Improv team, both this year and last year, or for having pink hair. They're a very creative person. If they aren't acting or swimming, they're probably working on an art project of some sort.

Winton Daum

Greg Pierotti 

Winton Daum is a Producer and Dramaturg in The Laramie Project. He is incredibly enthusiastic to be a part of this production, his final on stage production at Canterbury High School. He is one of the Heads of Tech crew this year specializing in Lighting, he is the Stage Manager for What The World Needs Now for the Youth Infringment Festival, and directed The Zoo Story for his Director Scene. He is ready to take the stage, for the first time since performing Shakespeare, as Greg Pierotti and share Greg's experience interviewing the many people involved in Matthew Shepherd's story. 

Zoë Pilsworth

Reggie Fluty

Zoë Pilsworth is honored to be portraying Officer Reggie Fluty for Canterbury High School's rendition of "The Laramie Project". When she's not baking, reading, or enjoying quality time with friends, Zoë spends her time focusing on her drama classwork and other studies. She is the head of the costume, hair and makeup departments. Beyond Canterbury, Zoë is preparing for post secondary and she plans on attending Trent University, majoring in English. With her sights set on making a lasting impression, Zoë is determined to give her heart and soul to this production and character, showcasing her dedication to the art and school that she “loves more than words can describe”.