
Ainsley Park

Stage Hand 

As this is Ainsley's first year on tech, and third year in the music program. She's so excited to be working on the the Grade 12's Grad Show this year. They've grown so much in just a semester on tech, and hope to continue the jounrey next year too. She'll be working backstage at The Laramie Project with the cast, helping everything go smoothly. Ainsley hopes you enjoy the show! 

Annika Thomas

Assistant Stage Manager

Annika is looking forward to being an ASM for The Laramie Project. They're excited to be expanding their tech resume with this show! Working as an Assitant Stage Manager, she is too ready for this awesome show and opportunity. 

Hannah Gibson 

Assistant Stage Manager

Hannah Gibson is a grade 10 drama student who is beyond thrilled to be apart of Canterbury’s production of The Laramie Project. She is working backstage as an assistant stage manager. She may not seem like it, but Hannah is a huge theatre kid. She’s always loved to perform and while she prefers to be on stage, she is super excited for her first backstage experience in a large production. 

Lily Mendes

SM Shadow

Lily is a Grade 11 Drama student, and is so excited to be a part of The Laramie Project team! She is taking tech this year and is getting her first experience with Stage Managing. From lighting for Dance Rounds, to sound for Fashion Show, she has loved being in booth and backstage for any of Canterbury's productions. Lily is very glad to be working with the amazing Grade 12's and getting a glimpse into what next year's grad show will entail! 

Livia Dahl Schaaf

Assistant Stage Manager

Liv is READY to be on The Laramie Project's team! She's excited to be working with her favourite Grade 12's on this cool show. The tech on this show is so neat, and a cool challenge that she's ready to take by storm! 

Noa Settle 

Stage Hand 

Noa is in Grade 11 Drama, and as they just wrapped up Children's Theatre, they're excited to do something a little more mature... Working as a stage hand, Noa's ready for yet another show after killing it at Oscars! 

Rachel Rogers 

Assistant Stage Manager

Rachel is so excited to be helping out with “The Laramie Project”! She is working as one of the Assistant Stage Managers and this her first time doing a production job! She’s loving her time working with the grade 12s and is enjoying getting experience for her own gradshow in the future!

Razan Jouni 

Stage Manager

Razan Jouni, Best Techie Nominee, and Tech Head is so excited to be working with the grade tweleve drama program on their Grad Show. She has been a part of Tech Crew for two years now, working very hard (or hardly working) to put together Dance Rounds, Dance Night, and other tech productions. You can usually find her in the auditorium, as she pretty much lives there. We are so excited to have Razan working as the Stage Manager. We love you Razan! 

Ream Jouni 


Ream is too excited for The Laramie Project! She' can't wait for everyone to come watch. She's been on tech for two years, and is a tech head for her final year. On this show, she's doing sound- her favourite!- everytime you hear a non-actor made sound, make sure you think of her! 

Sagal Hussein


As a member of the Asco team, and a deciated tech crew member, Sagal has their work cut out for them with this show. There's a lot of lighting ques, that's kind of scaring them, but they can overcome any challenge. Sagal is too ready for The Laramie Project, and is looking forward to hearing your reactions during the performance nights.